Checking Out

1 Please place all dirty dishes in the dishwasher and begin a wash cycle.  You will find detergent tabs under the sink.

2 Please ensure no food is left in the refrigerator or freezer.  Please lift the ice maker arm to shut off the ice maker.

3 Please take your BAGGED garbage out to the container in front of the barn.  Trash must be in a garbage bag (no loose trash allowed).

4 Please place your used towels and bedding in the laundry room. Please leave the mattress protector on the mattress.

5 Please set the thermostat back to 62 degrees IN THE WINTER and 78 IN THE SUMMER by using the Ameristar Remote.

6 If you have used the grill, please be sure to use the tools provided to clean it.  Make sure the gas has been turned off.

7 If you used the fire pit, please be sure that the gas has been turned off and the cover has been replaced.

8 We love to hear from you – what you liked/what you did not like/fun things you did in the area. Please share your thoughts in the Guestbook.

9 Please ensure all windows are closed, lights are off, and lock the front door using the code provided.